Amplify Your Out-of-Home Ads with Precision Targeting

Our Mobile Enhanced Billboard Advertising solution integrates cutting-edge geofencing technology into your outdoor advertising strategy, enabling you to engage potential customers as they move through defined geographic zones, driving higher engagement and measurable results.

What is Mobile Enhanced Billboard Advertising?

Mobile Enhanced Billboard Advertising leverages Geofencing technology, which is a location-based marketing tool that creates a virtual boundary, or “fence,” around a specific geographic area. Using GPS, Wi-Fi, or cellular data, we can track when potential customers enter or exit these zones. Once someone enters a geofenced area, they receive targeted advertisements and offers directly on their mobile device, allowing you to connect with them at the optimal time.

At O’Castle, we use this technology to complement billboard advertising. As people pass by your billboard, we serve them digital ads on their mobile devices, reinforcing your message and prompting them to take action.

How It Works

Our Geofencing Solution Enhances Billboard Advertising

Billboard advertising is traditionally an effective way to create brand awareness and capture attention from a broad audience. However, it lacks the ability to precisely target individuals or follow up with them once they’ve seen your message. That’s where our geofencing solution comes in.

Define the Geofence:  We create a virtual perimeter around the physical location of your billboard or even larger areas relevant to your target market.

Track Movement:  When someone with a mobile device enters this geofenced area, we trigger an action such as delivering a mobile ad, offering a discount, or sending a personalized message that complements your billboard content.

Reinforce Your Message:  While the billboard captures initial attention, the geofenced mobile ads reinforce that message and provide an immediate call to action. Whether it’s a promotion, invitation to visit your website, or directions to your store, the combination of billboard and digital engagement boosts brand recall and conversions.

Measure Engagement:  Our geofencing solution doesn’t just stop at delivering ads. We provide detailed analytics to help you measure the effectiveness of your campaign. You can track foot traffic, mobile interactions, and overall engagement, giving you clear insights into the success of your advertising efforts.

The Benefits

Make your billboard campaigns more impactful and efficient.

1. Precision Targeting

Geofencing allows you to target consumers within specific geographic areas, ensuring your message reaches the right people at the right time. Whether you want to focus on commuters, shoppers, or event attendees, you can tailor your advertising to specific demographics and behaviors. This precision leads to higher engagement and a better return on investment compared to traditional billboard advertising alone.

2. Real-Time Engagement

Billboards are great for grabbing attention, but they don’t offer immediate ways for consumers to interact with your brand. With our geofencing solution, you can engage potential customers in real time. As they pass by your billboard or enter a geofenced zone, they’ll receive relevant mobile ads or notifications that encourage them to take action right away, such as visiting your website, redeeming an offer, or heading to your location.

3. Seamless Integration Between Digital and Outdoor Ads

Our geofencing solution bridges the gap between physical and digital advertising. By synchronizing mobile ads with your billboard messaging, we create a cohesive experience that enhances brand recall. For example, if a passerby sees your billboard promoting a new product, they can immediately receive an ad on their phone with a discount or link to purchase the product online. This integrated approach increases the chances of conversion.

4. Measurable Results

One of the challenges of traditional billboard advertising is measuring its effectiveness. With geofencing, you gain access to detailed analytics that provide insights into how well your campaign is performing. You can track key metrics such as:

  • Foot traffic: Monitor the number of people visiting your store or event after interacting with your billboard and mobile ads.
  • Mobile engagement: Analyze click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and other key engagement metrics for users who received geofenced ads.
  • Sales impact: Measure any increase in sales during your campaign and correlate it with ad exposure within geofenced areas.

These insights allow you to make data-driven decisions, optimize your advertising strategy, and improve future campaigns.

5. Targeted Retargeting

With geofencing, you can go beyond one-time exposure and retarget users who have entered your geofenced area. If someone sees your billboard and receives a mobile ad but doesn’t take immediate action, we can continue to serve them targeted ads as they move through other geofenced locations or revisit your website. This continuous engagement increases the likelihood of conversion over time.

6. Campaign Flexibility

Our geofencing solution allows for real-time adjustments to your campaign based on data and performance. You can modify your geofenced area, target different demographics, or change your messaging to suit the time of day, weather conditions, or local events. This flexibility ensures your advertising stays relevant and effective no matter the circumstances.